So you want to write? I'm not here to preach, or teach in this first
post, but I'm here to provide my insight. This point-venture will
hopefully rally a little morale for you. get you back in your seat, pen
in hand, book on desk.
This is a first. I mean, I'm here to
write about writing, but by all rights, I don't rightly know how to
write...well, it's not that I don't rightly know how to write, it's that
I've never truly learned to write right in the normal sense of right.
Muddling, right?
Bear with me. (I'll quit it, I swear!)
did study English at school. Up to the age of fifteen I was lectured in
the rights and not-so-rights of writing (ok, I'll stop now, I
promise!). I didn't enjoy classes on English Language or Literature. The
prescribed syllabus drove me barmy (wow, that's not had a lasting
effect) and I struggled to pen poems based on Shakespeare, or analyse a
poem on a daffodil. I spent my days in class huddled over my workbook,
scratching frantic notes in margins and on scraps of paper - not on the
topic at hand, but my own stories.
I wouldn't read until the
age of eleven. Books bored me. They seemed childish, but looking back I
see now that it wasn't books per say, but the type of books I was being
given. At that age I preferred to play outside, watch tv or shoot
things on the playstation.
When I did start reading, I
started with adult fantasy fiction. David Gemmell opened the door for
me, and other authors invited themselves in. Reading the more mature
works straight off the bat, I put this influence down as my 'education'
rather than the classroom.
So, you see, I've been nervous to
handle a blog post like this. In my eyes, I'm an amateur. Untrained and
unqualified (read: unpaid). What I do know, however, is what I looked
for in a book. Hence, I am here today, rambling on about creative
writing. This is drawn from my own experience, my ideals, and the
current running of my projects. It's not gospel, but if you fancy
joining the bandwagon you'll have to surrender all of your worldly
possessions at the door and refer to me as 'Your Magnificence' from now
Everyone has to start somewhere. It could be a question,
it could be an answer. Either way it's an idea...and that's what I'm
hear to talk about.
Ideas ARE books. Books ARE ideas. Every
thought that you have has the potential to spin a yarn. Never throw one
of these away. Even if you start writing a story and get thirty pages
deep only to run out of ideas...keep the story! You might pick it up
again later.
Ideas are never stupid. They're forward
thinking. Even the stupid ones (didn't I just say there were no stupid
ideas?) prove valuable, as they may contradict an earlier plot, develop
it, or add that little twist that the reader won't suspect.
do ideas come from? Everywhere. I take my ideas from everyday life, my
friends, my family, history, the list goes on! But, with such an
overactive factory of an imagination churning out ideas, I have to keep
them somewhere! My advice to you? Get a notepad! Use your phone,
scribble on a napkin in a restaurant, write on the back of your hand -
I've even scratched notes onto a cig packet with a stick of charcoal
before (beach BBQ).
Just sit down for five minutes, and
think. Or try not to think. Let your mind work on its own...write the
first thing that comes to mind. Then the next, the one after that, and
the one after that too. You'll be surprised how many ideas can come
flowing out of your head. Once you've got enough...sit back and read the
ideas. One day, maybe not today, maybe not today, but one day you'll
have a Eureka moment. The idea for a story will spring to mind, and then
it's time to let your pen go to work for real.
Good starter post on writing, but I would like to add my two cents. The more ideas you work on writing down, the more that come to you. How's that?